The Vision
Music Space opens up the possibilities for people to be a part of a wider artistic community and to access skills and knowledge to support participation and sharing in the arts.
Music Space aims to inspire a belief in the power of music to bring people together, to develop friendships and communities, to inspire leaders that can encourage others to see the arts as a positive force for change.
Music Space values an open and committed approach to the arts and one that holds integrity and trust as essential to allowing artists and audiences the deeply human sense of adventure in discovering the new. Music Space intends to create a community that comes together out of a shared interest and love. Whether that is around a physical space (a performance space, rehearsal lab for experimentation, community space, listening and reading space, workshops space etc), or multiple different spaces across Glasgow and beyond. It will be a flexible and open model that will pilot and develop ideas over the next few years, and continue to respond to need and change.
Music Space aims to increase access, diversity and equality in experimental and digital music in Scotland and beyond by creating opportunities for young people of all abilities and backgrounds. Participants will gain access to development, learning and support through outreach programmes in schools and communities and through opportunities with Music Space.
We Value:
- Being artistically focused – valuing risk and ambition and allowing the sense of discovery at the core of artistic endeavour.
- The sharing of cultural ideas and experiences between art forms, artists and communities.
- Honesty, integrity and accountability in how we produce and our programme and in how we communicate it.
- Supporting and enabling access.
- Being small and flexible, whilst managing our organisation with an awareness and willingness to learn.
- Being committed and dedicated to our communities, artists and audience.
Access to equipment and learning opportunities have been stumbling blocks in my creative path and, as someone involved in social justice struggles where I meet many friends from disparate life experiences, I am aware that my struggle is not uncommon. I have been dreaming of starting a studio with and for women for a while, so I am thrilled to hear that Alasdair is going ahead with the alternative music learning space; he is someone who consistently and generously finds ways to create opportunities. I know from our conversations that he is committed to supporting women, people of colour, queer and trans people and other groups who may struggle to access learning opportunities. If we offer diverse people the opportunity to become highly skilled their creative output will be the proof of its worth. I can see that The Music Space could make unimaginable change to the diversity of Glasgow’s music scenes, which would ripple out into the world.
Ju Scott – Artist, Musician and Participatory Artist, Glasgow

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